

Villafranca del Castillo is, without a doubt, one of the best places to live in the Madrid area. In this section, we’ll share some news and some tips on how to make the most of this exclusive community.

Thank you so much Isidoro!

Dear neighbors, we would like to share with you our deepest emotion in reference to the retirement of one of the people who has been a fundamental piece in Villafranca del Castillo, our dear Isidoro. There is no neighbor in Villafranca who does not know who Isidoro is and of course, his wife María Jesús. […]

Architecture week in Villafranca del Castillo

In Villafranca del Castillo we appreciate architecture. We thought a great way to showcase our community’s architecture was to create a contest whose objective is to honor International Architecture Week through the annual publication of a home that stands out as an architectural benchmark. Villafranca is known for its wonderful green spaces that coexist in […]

Making of Villafranca’s videos

With great enthusiasm we want to share with all of you some of the “making of” the Villafranca videos which will be featured in our new web page. Thanks to the help of our neighbors, the creative agency Volando Vengo and of course everything wonderful that Villafranca offers us, we were able to take the […]